What the Professionals don’t reveal about Your Online Business Copyright © Hoselita Ikoli http://www.ErrandConcierge.com To succeed in any online business, you must be seen to offer an essential service. I thought I should summarize the above statement from my online experience and give you something nobody ever says online. I know a lot of us love to read in bullets or numbers to get the gist at a glance, so I would just do that since I am a lazy writer. 1. Everybody operates the Internet as a game of numbers. Just reach as much people as possible, market your money making product, get the money and no proper training outline and little or no support. 2. You log unto a site and the curse of technology overwhelms you both mentally and psychologically. You are practically suffocating in piles and piles of information that leads to yet another labyrinth and you begin to believe that you are really in the spider’s snare and it tentacles are about to go round your body. Well I felt like t
. . .lifestyle management