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Showing posts from 2007

Blog Promotion Resources

If you're updating your blog daily, you've got a great start. But don't stop there! We've assembled these resources to help you get the most search engine visibility for your blog: Ping Servers Ping-o-matic will ping several major ping servers (, feedster, technorati, etc.)'s ping configuration page (you won't need this if you use ping-o-matic, or if your blog software automatically pings them) Instructions for manually pinging (you won't need this if you use ping-o-matic, or if your blog software automatically pings them) ping page (you won't need this if you use ping-o-matic, or if your blog software automatically pings them) A long list of additional ping servers provided by Chris Abraham Technorati Profile About the Author: ---------------------------------------------------- Awakening The Consciousness

Create a Niche product or service

The Basics Analyse the data returned from various web usage analysis programs (survey your niche) over a period of time and a pattern begins to emerge. People continually request information on the following types of products / services on the web. Conquer Your niche * Nude people doing interesting things * Dating agencies * Music * Games * Gambling * Software * Information The convention on the web is that creating your own product or service to sell online is your fastest path to success. Copyright © Create A product About the Site owner: ---------------------------------------------------- Awakening The Consciousness Of Man To Its Fullest Potential So As To Create A Harmonious and Balanced Society Beneficial To All. ---------------------------------------------- -------

Your new Business Start-up

Starting Your Business Online 1. Pick a niche: A niche is an area where you are specialised, have a goodknowledge of, and comes easy to you. 2. Do a research on the niche: by googling the keyword and visiting authority sites of that niche. Notice the design and text presentation and try to offer better services or product. 3. Register a domain name that describes your area of specialisation. e.g. make money for a business opportunity blog. 4. Find a good web host that will help you grow your business. 5. Learn basic html. it will come in handy 6. Generate content by writing related articles to your niche. 7. Join good paying affiliate programs that help you grow. Read More

Niche Marketing - Survey Your Niche

It is important that you dig deep and find the most burning desires of your target market. Survey Your Niche Market to Understand Buying Habits . Spy on your competitor by creating a special report and running a survey. Steps To Follow 1. If you do not find out what people want, and create a product on a whim, you could end up with a dead duck product ( a product that doesn't make any money).You then not only have wasted your time and money but it can put you right off the entire entrepreneurial activity of making money online . 2.Survey your market to find out what they want to buy, how much they want to pay, and what they are likely to purchase. 3. Create a free report as bait to collecting email list or a reason why people will take the time to fill out your survey 4. Study your competition. Look at their emails, sales pages, websites and products . Also learn how to recognize them and then incorporate them into your business strategy. 5. Examine your niche to see what's bei

Web Design Software: Making A Choice

Now there are literally hundreds of different web authoring programs available to new webmasters If you're considering a do-it-yourself web site and don't know where to start, this will give you a bit of a jump start ... FRONTPAGE, Dream Weaver, or try for free web design software Various reviews On Some Of The Best web-design software for non-pros. Get a web host that provide a full "Business In-A-Box" Solution No web host bits this. You are also paid for hosting 1. Blue Voda Website Builder: It promises a "build your own website in "30 minutes". a. No HTML web design knowledge required (Easy to Use - Drag/Drop) b. Pre - designed website templates included (Create Unlimited Pages) c. "One Click Publishing" Go live on the internet in seconds! d. Create an Unlimited number of Websites (No Restrictions) 2. : Free to Try a. Lots of custom built templates to choose from. WYSIWYG Editor (What You See is what you Get: A

20+ Reasons To Have Your Own Website

Acknowlegement: John Wilson This is dedicated to new SFI Affiliates . Don't forget to checkout Online Business Checklist and Guide. 20+ Reasons To Have Your Own Website 1. Improves your credibility as an Internet marketer Affiliate Team Leader. 2. Gives you the freedom to present and emphasize the Affiliate information you want the way you want to. 3. You can send e-mail using your chosen domain name. 4. Makes your Online training information and tips easily available to your affiliates. 5. Allows you to set up a blog on your site. (CPanel hosting make it a 5-minute task using Fantastico on CPanel to auto-install a WordPress blog on your Website). Posting to your blog on a regular basis will improve your site's exposure on the search engines—very beneficial. 6. You can create a forum where your team members can find and help one another...and you could help them all. 7. Adding your own content o

Mixed Feelings

Copyright © Hoselita Ikoli As I sat in front of my borrowed laptop, Thoughts swarm through the labyrinth of my mind. Like the Myth, "Who is John Galt?" I asked myself. Who is Hoselita? I thought about the space I dissolve into. I am nobody, I am nothing. yet “I Am” Who Am I? Why do I get so tired ever so often? The space I dissolve into fills me with . . . nothing live anew? What do I do? Where do I start from? Who can give a reason to all my unanswered questions? Success seems to elude me. What could I be doing wrong or not doing? I must really lack imagination and commitment but then again. . . "The Content Of Your Thought And Personal Belief". ( Thus... where do I go from here? "Must I weep for goats and cowries" I know I must pass through the jungle. The jungle from whence I originated and thither shall I pass. As I pass through the many faceted gems of life, absorbing the different fragrance of exper

Online Business Start-up Checklist and Guide.

Copyright © Hoselita Ikoli Internet Access If you're looking to start-up a business online, you need unlimited, fast internet access. You also need an ISP that allows you to send as much email as you want. When you're shopping for a new ISP, be sure to ask them if it's okay to grow your business with them. If they say yes, make sure they know that this means holding them to their promise of "unlimited use". A Professional Email Program A professional email program will allow you to utilize the low-cost e-marketing methods that are essential to your online business success. Resources: These are the best email programs available on the internet and they can be downloaded for free at the following URL's Your Own Domain Name 20 Reasons To Have Your Own Website 1. It improves your credibility as an Internet marketer. 2. Gives you the freedom to present and emphasize the